Personal 1:1 Coaching

Who One on One Coaching is Right For:
- you are open and committed to change
- you wish to clear old patterns and blocks that hold you back in life
- you are ready to balance your life in all aspects
- you are ready to work on your healing journey for 3-6 months
Who This Is Not A Right Fit For:
- those that want to book only one session
- those that want a quick fix
- those that are resistant to lasting change
- those that don’t see the value in investing in themselves
People seek Liz out to level up their life by releasing fear, anxiety, and stress. Clients want to release inherited beliefs and let go of fears and patterns in their life that are holding them back from experiencing joy, abundance, hope, and love.
I look forward to you finding your life path and purpose. By releasing trapped emotions in your DNA this allows you to experience life to its fullest.
Healing sessions, for the time being, are through zoom. A recording will be sent to you so you can further your own healing.
If you are stuck, feeling lost, and/or wants more from your life, book a free discovery call today.
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